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If you are interested in joining or assisting with an APHE committee, or for any questions regarding committees,  please contact for more information. 


  • Committees are formed at the Board meeting associated with the National Conference but may be modified as needed during the membership meeting year.
  • Association members and non-association members, as appropriate, may serve on committees.
  • Chairs of standing committees (Executive, Nominating, Finance, Membership, Education, Marketing, Policies & Procedures, and Technology) must be Board members and serve on all subcommittees of said standing committee.
  • Chairs of non-standing committees (i.e. subcommittees) may be APHE members or, as deemed appropriate by the Board, non-members unless otherwise noted.

Executive Committee

  • Acts on association business between full board meetings
  • Comprised of the officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Membership     
  • Secretary, Recording Secretary, Technology Chair and At-Large Member
  • Chaired by the President
  • Meets monthly by teleconference and as needed

Nominating Committee

  • Establishes protocol for the nomination, selection and ratification of Board members and Board officers, oversees elections, acclimates new board members, and tracks board member and officer history
  • Chaired by the Vice President

Professional Development Committee

  • The goal of the Professional Development Committee is to support the sub-committees to help move APHE’s professional development offerings forward. This includes encouraging Scholarship, Resources, Resource Tool, Online Networking and Webinars, HEQ and Conference Committees to create innovative and useful resources and opportunities as well as board reports in a timely manner.
  • It is the responsibility of the Chairperson of the Professional Development Committee to create folders on the Team drive in Google Docs prior to the board report and to remind subcommittee members of due dates and important information. This person serves as an educational liaison to the rest of the board; responsible for and committed to APHE professional development progress.

National Conference Committee

      • This committee is responsible for producing the annual National Conference held in the first quarter of the calendar year. Collaborates with other committees such as Development and Marketing to ensure all aspects of the National Conference are accomplished.

Scholarship Committee

          • This committee reviews applications and determines awards for the Nathania Gartman Memorial Scholarship Fund that assists members with need to attend the National Conference.

Auction Committee

          • Produces the Nathania Gartman Memorial Scholarship Fund auction at the National Conference and any other auctions held.

Resource Committee

      • The APHE Resources Committee maintains the Members’ Area Resource Links area of the website at Resources may be website links or document files.

APHE Resource Tool Committee

      • This committee creates resources for sale. The camp manual, service learning/community service manual and lesson plan workbook are examples.

Online Networking and Webinars Committee

      • Provides networking opportunities for members to connect and share resources.  Additionally, the committee identifies educational materials to support the work of our membership.  These materials may present in the form of an online webinar, short video clips, panel discussions, and podcasts.
      • Chaired by a board member

Humane Education Quarterly Newsletter Committee

      • This committee produces the quarterly newsletter. The committee recruits authors, writes content (as needed), edits content, designs the layout, proofs the newsletter, and facilitates printing and delivery.
      • The Editor (Chair) shall be an APHE member in good standing for one year.
      • The Layout Editor may be a volunteer or under contract for services and does not need to be an APHE member.

Marketing Committee

  • This committee handles marketing and promotional efforts (advertising, giveaways, online sales, etc.).
  • Organizes exhibit opportunities and researches advertising and speaking opportunities at other conferences.
  • Oversees the Facebook page and other social media opportunities.

Policies and Procedures Committee

  • The role of this committee is to examine all documentation describing the procedural process and work of APHE with the purpose of preserving the mission of the organization.

Membership Committee

  • Assists the Membership Secretary in the execution of his/her duties and addresses membership issues (fees, benefits, notifications)
  • Maintains the e-mail listserv – answering questions about how to use the listserv, troubleshooting problems, monitoring posts for unanswered questions or conflicts.
  • Utilizes Wild Apricot to manage member database
  • Chaired by the Membership Secretary

Finance Committee

  • Responsible for managing the association’s finances
  • Chaired by the Treasurer


      • Formulate and implement strategies to acquire grants, contributions, sponsorships, and other funding sources to help APHE achieve its strategic, financial and business plan goals.

© Association of Professional Humane Educators