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The APHE board of directors is comprised of 12-15 individuals elected by the APHE membership to provide organizational leadership and oversight. APHE seeks board members who are experts in the field and are driven to ensure that the organization's purpose, mission, and vision are defined and achievable.  The entire board serves in a volunteer capacity and works tirelessly to support those that promote empathy through education.  

Row (from left to right):

Melissa Logan, President

Alberta SPCA

Ashley Stanley, Vice President

Wayside Waifs

Emily Strongin, Membership Secretary Humane Society of Charlotte 

Jennifer Barrett, Member-at-Large  

Humane Society of Huron Valley

Inge Koopman-Leyva, Treasurer Liaison
Humane Society of Southern Arizona

César Diaz, Technology Chair

Animal Protection New Mexico

Savanna New, Recording Secretary

Jacksonville Humane Society

Christine Davis
SPCA Serving Erie County

Kim Ferris-Church

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

Heather Franco
East Bay SPCA

Katie Campbell
Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh

Adora R. Negrón Gómez
Colegio de Médicos Veterinarios de Puerto Rico

Sandi Comunale
Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh

Kylie Wiest

Charleston Animal Society

Kelly Nix

Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary

Interested in joining the board?  Contact

Advisors serve as critical contributors to the advancement of APHE. Advisors share their gifts in service to our mission by providing our organization with professional expertise, diverse knowledge of constituent perspectives, connections to local, national, or international resources, colleagues or peers, and other forms of needed assistance. They provide APHE with recommendations and opinions on matters related to APHE and help promote humane education and the work of APHE. Advisors have no governing function within the organization. Advisor terms are two years in length.


Individuals are eligible for Senior Advisor status if at least one of the following criteria is met: 

1. The individual is a past APHE board member (with at least one full term of service).

2. The individual has a unique or technical skill that will add to the advancement of APHE.

© Association of Professional Humane Educators